Not feeling prepared for birth?

This series is designed to help you build strength, get fit, flexible and ready for it.

Ease your worries and prepare your body with a free 5-day, at-home prenatal yoga course.

Sore back, tense shoulders, uncomfortable hips? Or feeling slow, have no energy and not sure where to start with exercise in pregnancy. Join me to learn the safe and beneficial postures of yoga to relieve backache and tension, get you moving again and start to relax your oh so every busy mind.

Prenatal Yoga in the Comfort of Your Home

You’ll receive one email every day for five days, each containing a calming instructional video that guides you through the day’s prenatal yoga session.
You will receive
  • Daily breathing exercises to calm the buy mind, to focus and gain control
  • Daily yoga sequences to build strength, get you fit, increase flexibility and generally make you feel good
  • Daily meditation to relax the busy mind, release anxious thoughts and let go

Prenatal Yoga in the Comfort of Your Home

You and your baby are about to embark on a life-changing transition together. Prenatal yoga will give you the strength, flexibility, and confidence to make the most of those precious and memorable moments.

Ease Your Mind

Delivery is daunting. You don’t know what to expect, and there are a million potential complications. Prenatal yoga eases your mind with the confidence of a strong, flexible body. It focuses your awareness on optimism in peaceful, meditative moments.

Bond With Your Baby

One of the most enjoyable aspects of yoga is the serenity it offers. In prenatal yoga, you get to share that peaceful time bonding with your unborn baby. Connect with your baby in these quiet moments as you’re guided by {firstlast}’s unique, calming voice.

Get Your Energy Back

When you have pregnancy exhaustion, exercise might be the last thing you want to do, but it’s actually the best cure! Exercise releases endorphins that give you natural energy while increasing the oxygen supply to all your vital parts – and your baby.

Make Moving Feel Good Again

Prenatal yoga is a modified form of yoga that is safe for your body and everyone in it. Each video will take you through a complete yoga session, teaching you how to move to build strength, lighten the mental load, and give yourself the energy you’ve been missing.
  • Learn to move safely to improve fitness that will stay with you for those critical first years
  • Learn birth postures that facilitate your baby’s movement through the stages of labor.
  • Keep these videos for the rest of your pregnancy and all future pregnancies!
  • All you need is comfortable clothing and a yoga mat.