pregnancy yoga retreat in dubai Welcome to the Community Start Your 7 Day Free Trial

Time to meet the Moms and do it all together

Welcome to my OM Demand platform and Your Home Studio. Welcome to The Om Moms Community for MOMS TO BE. This is a platform dedicated to pregnant Moms to help you get fit and flexible, build strength and stamina and prepare the mind and body for birth. Join our community and you will receive an Online Demand Library constantly being updated full of:

Breathwork for Pregnancy and Childbirth (and how about life as a new Mom as these skills will be with you forever if practiced regularly now)

Yoga Express Stretches, Daily routines, Yoga flows all varying in length depending on what you want to do, what part of your body you want target and your energy levels

Guided relaxation and Meditations to relax your mind if you’re feeling stressed in the day or to help you drift off to sleep at night. You get to choose when to listen to them; it is not just at the end of your yoga practice now.


yoga retreat for pregnant ladies in dubai

Choose what you want to practice and when you want to practice. Breathe, do yoga or meditate or combine them all together in any order.  Your choice. Freedom.

We take the travel out of your pregnancy journey for you so you get to concentrate on the important things like relaxing the mind, working out, enjoying yoga. When you can practice from anywhere you wish you will practice more often. You can do yoga from your bedroom floor or sit and practice breathwork from your office chair.  Your Home Studio is your choice. Plus we like to travel and so can you. Immerse yourself in new scenery, in places of peace and calm and let your mind do the wandering.

Not only is there an Online Demand Library but weekly Livestream Prenatal yoga and meditation classes. Also time to Q&A and meet the Moms after the class and regularly on Ellies ‘Get to know Bump’ sessions just for the Community.

Also courses for those wanting to educate, empower and build confidence.  We have it all here for you in The Om Moms COMMUNITY Om Mom. To start enjoy a FREE 7 day trial from us and get moving in our community, get moving together.

Follow along @ellie_and_theommomsclub


  • Swipe to see what we get up to at mom & baby yoga ➡️➡️

???? Are you worried your baby won’t sleep/ will cry/ need a feed/ need a change/ won’t let you do yoga…. YES! Your right on all of the above but we don’t worry about that ❤️ 

Sometimes baby does all their baby stretches without crying. Sometimes baby joins in with you for yoga for two. And sometimes they lay happily watching mom do yoga. And sometimes they don’t. Each week is different and we go with three baby flow. 

So come and maybe yoga but most of all get out of the house, have fun and meet your new mom gang ????

#momandbabyyoga #babyclasses #dubaibabies #dubaibabyclasses #babyyoga #postnatalyoga #postnatalyogawithbaby 

????Currently in Jumeriah Golf Estates. 
???? Baby yoga and breakfast club is coming back in October. 
???? Baby massage and yoga dates and venue to be released!
  • What to pack on your hospital bag. Check this one out moms to be for the necessities and luxuries going into labour. Moms bag, birth partners bag and baby’s bag ???? 

To watch the full interview head over to The Om Moms YouTube chanel and subscribe to keep updated with all things mom (that’s interviews, yoga and more) 

COPY AND PASTE for the full video

LINK IN BIO for The Om Moms on YouTube 

#interviews #educatingmoms #recording #momstobe #whattopackinhospitalbag #hospitalbag #hospitalbagessentials #hospitalbag2022
  • Scroll ➡️ for pregnancy meditation. This one’s for the moms to be. If you’re pregnant join me for a meditation series designed to calm and relax the mind. 
Meditations designed just for you at this time to enhance the pregnancy journey and let the mind rest while the body nurtures.

Subscribe to YouTube and meditate more ???? link in bio 

#pregnancy #pregnancymeditation #prenatal #calm #hypnobirthing #restthemind #meditation
  • Swipe to yoga ➡️ Want to learn more about sun salutations, how to breathe your way through them and how to mix them up a little. Move on the mat, add some twists and energise (prenatal moms there’s a pregnancy version or follow the pregnancy adaptions) 

Link to video

Subscribe to The Om Moms Club (link in bio) on You Tube and get all the updates for free yoga and meditation content when added ???? ????‍♂️ ????
  • And if my heart couldn’t melt anymore ???? so grown up now #year3 #blazersandties
  • And it’s back 2 school. Let’s be having you Year 3 ????‍♀️

#backtoschool #dubaikids #dubaifamily #schooltime
  • Goodbye to Southern Thailand the islands have all been amazing ???????????? Now it’s time to head back to the city before we are homeward bound after 6 weeks of summer holiday fun 

#familytravels #thailand #thailandtravel #summerholidays
  • Join me for pregnancy yoga with The Om Moms Club where we specialise in working with the prenatal body (rather than other yoga classes that simply adapt postures) here you will learn about how your body safely moves with a bump and what you can do to be more comfortable throughout pregnancy and prepare your body for a more comfortable (and confident!) birth. 

These classes are run in 4 week blocks each class covering a new topic about pregnancy and birth preparation. 
➡️Book your classes on the website link in bio and those booking a BLOCK will receive a FREE 4 week e book on all things bump and birth. 

Each block rolls onto the next if you prefer to make it a weekly class.

For those on the go there are single class options and why not enhance your in person classes with Om Demand my online library full of breathing, yoga and more to be done anytime from your home studio. Check it out here and try a FREE 7 day trial! ⬇️

See you on the mat mom to be and get fit, flexible and full of birth knowledge ????‍♀️
  • This will never tire ????‍♀️???????? 

#yoga #outdoors #yogini #yogalifestyle #yogatime #beachlife #palmtreesfordays
  • When you lose track of days but you know you’ve been doing stuff ???? ????‍♀️ 

#poolyoga #yogabythepool #pool #yoga #yogatime #goodtimes #goodtimesoutside #yogi #yogalife
